Decked out in pinewood and stainless steel and lit with LED spotlights, this young couple’s home is the ultimate in stylish luxury.
Each night the pair hit the hay safe in the knowledge that they have heating to keep them warm, automatic shutters to shield them from bad weather and security cameras to watch over them.
In fact, many humans wouldn’t mind the creature comforts that rabbits Hunnie and Runnie enjoy in their spacious £10,000 residence.
Pampered: Many humans wouldn't mind the creature comforts that rabbits Hunnie (pictured right) and Runnie enjoy in their spacious £10,000 residence

Pampered pets: Jason and Mairi Batterbee built a £10,000 hutch for their rabbits Hunnie and Runnie

Remote control: Jason Batterbee keeps a close eye on his prized pets with mobile-phone operated controls and infrared security cameras

The two-storey log cabin was built by electrician Jason Batterbee – who lives in the neighbouring bungalow with wife Mairi, 37.
Even when the couple are on holiday, they can check on their pets back in Dersingham, Norfolk, by viewing the camera feeds on a laptop and operating the hutch’s controls via mobile phone.
Each time they send a command, they receive an automatic text message to assure them it’s been carried out.
However, technology hasn’t yet come up with a solution for feeding time – which is taken over by friends when the couple go away.
Mr Batterbee, 41, said: ‘It took a lot of time and effort but if you think what people spend on their children this is nothing in comparison.
‘They could be considered the most pampered pets in the world but they are worth it.
‘The cameras even have an infra-red facility so we can check on them after dark.’
The custom-built hutch weighs a ton and is 7ft 6in wide and 4ft high.
Each night the pair hit the hay safe in the knowledge that they have heating to keep them warm, automatic shutters to shield them from bad weather and security cameras to watch over them.
In fact, many humans wouldn’t mind the creature comforts that rabbits Hunnie and Runnie enjoy in their spacious £10,000 residence.
Pampered: Many humans wouldn't mind the creature comforts that rabbits Hunnie (pictured right) and Runnie enjoy in their spacious £10,000 residence
Pampered pets: Jason and Mairi Batterbee built a £10,000 hutch for their rabbits Hunnie and Runnie
Remote control: Jason Batterbee keeps a close eye on his prized pets with mobile-phone operated controls and infrared security cameras
The two-storey log cabin was built by electrician Jason Batterbee – who lives in the neighbouring bungalow with wife Mairi, 37.
Even when the couple are on holiday, they can check on their pets back in Dersingham, Norfolk, by viewing the camera feeds on a laptop and operating the hutch’s controls via mobile phone.
Each time they send a command, they receive an automatic text message to assure them it’s been carried out.
However, technology hasn’t yet come up with a solution for feeding time – which is taken over by friends when the couple go away.
Mr Batterbee, 41, said: ‘It took a lot of time and effort but if you think what people spend on their children this is nothing in comparison.
‘They could be considered the most pampered pets in the world but they are worth it.
‘The cameras even have an infra-red facility so we can check on them after dark.’
The custom-built hutch weighs a ton and is 7ft 6in wide and 4ft high.
It also boasts a ceiling fan to keep the rabbits cool on warm days beneath a roof covered with felt and shingle, and is connected to a 12 volt battery power supply.

Plush: The huge air-conditioned £10,000 rabbit cage is one any house bunny would be envious of

Fancy fixtures and fittings: Not only does the hutch have infrared security cameras for night monitoring, it also has pine shelves and stainless steel rails

Constant feed: Mr Batterbee is able to watch the camera images on his laptop computer

Two-tiered: Hunnie the rabbit negotiates the ramp up to the first floor of her luxury home

The large hutch is equally impressive at night, thanks to exterior and interior light fixtures

Lookout: Mr Batterbee keeps an eye on his pets from the comfort of his own living room thanks to an in-built hutch CCTV system
Plush: The huge air-conditioned £10,000 rabbit cage is one any house bunny would be envious of
Fancy fixtures and fittings: Not only does the hutch have infrared security cameras for night monitoring, it also has pine shelves and stainless steel rails
Constant feed: Mr Batterbee is able to watch the camera images on his laptop computer
Two-tiered: Hunnie the rabbit negotiates the ramp up to the first floor of her luxury home
The large hutch is equally impressive at night, thanks to exterior and interior light fixtures
Lookout: Mr Batterbee keeps an eye on his pets from the comfort of his own living room thanks to an in-built hutch CCTV system